With two hours to kill before the late night movie show, we stopped by the uber-cool "iD" restaurant on the first floor in the Sathyam complex. As is the case with any hotspot in Chennai, we had to wait patiently for our turn. The only thing traditional about this place was its name, rest everything was chic and novel. The waiters were decked in all black and appeared energetic in serving the fare to the eagerly awaiting clientele. After about 10 mins, we got our due table and requested for a menu card. Instead we were given what looked like a bookmark, on the back of which were listed the dishes in a novel way : Simple traditional south indian fare - broadly classified as Idli, Dosa, Vada, Pongal ( Sweet and Salt ), Beverages ( Chai, Coffee, Lassi etc ), Adai and Paeserattu, with most of them having sub classifications. We ordered Keerai vadai ( which was overdone and was hard to bite into ), Masala vadai ( quite alright ) and Medhu vadai ( the best of the lot ). Once we moved past the initial intertia, the orders just kept flowing - adai, rava and masala dosa, appam, idiappam ( accompanied by cocunut milk/khurma/veg stew ). Once we realized that we had actually come for a movie, we stopped, but not before ordering two masala chais ( very dull and too thick for a T ). The plates were of steel and reeked off modernity, so were the porcelain cups for sambar and chutneys ( green, white and red chutneys ). The prices were reasonable and the meal for the 4 of us cost around Rs.430. A nice place, only if you were to club it alongwith a visit to the movies or need to bite into something as late as 11 in the night.