The write-up which I unearthed while cleaning my hard drives :-)
Lets talk reviving Indian Cricket - the obituary for the current one
Junta, guess not a bad time to talk about a shakeup of the current bunch of bozos, who call themselves the creme la creme of the indian cricket system....
Few of the radical changes, but effectives ones could be...
1) Relegate the current team's overhyped and ineffective players to either retirement or to the regular grind in the domestic cricket
2) Scrap the crap called the state teams in domestic circuit. consolidate them into at the max, 8 teams
3) Ban the players from endorsing products. Just pay them adequately ( performance based payments ). This will save the common man from losing his time, money and sleep.
4) Restrict the players from giving the outlandish press statements. Let them not go to town with their grievances of not being given enough chances, not being selected, not having enough girlfriends and all sundry....
5) Dont invest blindly in so called youth. Nothing to be ashamed of in aping the australian system of selecting players, who are on the wrong side of their twenties.
6) Have some experienced cricketers, cricket-wise heads in the so called BCCI ( which is basically a should just look at their office in mumbai...the caption reads...."wolf camouflaged in sheep's attire"...the financial behemouth has a shanty and ramshackled office )
7) Accountability of all parties involved - the administrators, selectors, support staff and of all...the players themselves.
8) If a player is not good enough to show positive results in few games and tricky surfaces, then they are not good enough to represent their country.
9) Set up result oriented cricket academies, not just some run of the mill ones, which solely aim to rake in some moolah.
It hurts to see that people are beguiled into following this game so passionately, only to be betrayed by their esteemed players. If they had any sense of "consistent" self-worth, they should take the rap on their wrists and evolve into more competitive and dedicated cricket players. Its now becoming a rote for dravid to support his players and his own thought process, even after such inexplicable and shocking losses. I just feel he got the wrong end of the bargain : when ganguly used to be the captain, dravid sweated it out for the team's sake, but the current group lacks a player who could help his captain unerringly
Any more suggestions or counter arguments....? Lets kill some time guys, now that our players are busy packing their bags in the carribean for the sojourn back home.