1st Mar 2010: Every outward movement (read as onsite and resignation) @ TCS has guaranteed me a fair share of last minute rushes. Last day at TCS and the day preceding that was no exception. The admin in charge wanted my ID cards by 5 PM on my penultimate day, since he wouldn’t be in office the next day and there was nobody to back him up in his absence. However, all the friendly smiles coupled with wishes from co-workers, and the usual barbs directed at me ensured that I could tide over the temporary frustration. I cleaned up my cube and comp to the best of my time-bound ability and hurried home to continue with my brother's marriage arrangements.
2nd Mar 2010: It was next day at Lloyds road office, where I waited for a good 45 minutes at the reception before I was called in to fill in few forms and get my relieving letter. The security personnel there normally disburse the revenue stamps and the one on duty, just couldn’t locate it. Furious arguments ensued between him and his well-wisher, who wanted the security guard to just head to the source of revenue stamps in Lloyds office. But our pal didn’t move an inch and waited for the stamps to be delivered at his doorstep. Another good 30 minutes. However, the associate who issued the letters was very helpful and wishes me good luck.
9th Mar 2010: It was nice to see a good number of my ex-colleagues turn up for my farewell lunch at Esthell, Besant Nagar. There was the usual banter and few photo-ops, and time just flew by (guess it lasted a good 3 hrs or so). Actually NO, time didn’t even take flight. The food was delivered at snail's pace and some really hungry souls just gorged onto whatever came to their tables, while even hungrier souls looked in great anticipation at the door through which the waiters blasted their way to our tables. We didn’t spare those unfortunate ones and called some cheap jokes on them :-). The food at the restaurant was really good and felt it was worth the wait, and would definitely visit again to kill time (Guess that would be guaranteed for no additional charge). My farewell gifts were sweeter than the sumptuous desserts we ordered, and I should be spared for putting such a cheesy line here. But truth be spoken, I really liked what I got.
11the Mar 2010: Haven’t had the time for the fact to sink in: I don’t have a job as of today and I resigned my job of nearly 9 years. Already feel out of place calling up my close buddies at work who would be busy designing solutions or thinking of the next big idea (including whats for evening snacks or what movie to catch up after going home or who to chat with. Pun intended here)